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What Makes You Happy?

In yesterday’s post we started talking about happiness and you started thinking about what makes you happy. It was part of our commitment to happiness. Today we’re going to dig a little deeper. There are a lot of things that make us happy on a regular basis. Think about the simple little things that put a smile on your face. It could be a person, a thing, an experience, an action, a song… the list goes on and on.

An easy way to increase our overall happiness and contentment is to simply do something that makes us happy every single day. During this challenge that’s something you should work on. To make it easier for the remainder of this challenge, let’s come up with a list of what makes us happy. This will obviously be different for each and every one of us. Let me give you a few ideas and some things to think about. Then I want you to grab a pen and a notebook, or a piece of paper, or if you prefer, open your laptop and start typing away. I want you to make a list of things that make you happy.

Don’t overthink this. Don’t try to come up with an organized and categorized list. Instead, simply start brainstorming and jot things down. Don’t feel pressured to come up with everything all at once. Feel free to add to the list as time goes by and get in the habit of noticing things that make you happy and then adding them to the list throughout this challenge and beyond.

Let’s start with the big ones that make us happy. What people in your life make you happy? What things that you own bring you joy? What activities and hobbies that you have bring you lots of happiness? Think big here and pick what has the biggest impact on your mood. This could also include things like what gestures or actions put a big smile on your face. Places are another great addition. Maybe you’re happiest at the beach.

Then think about the little things that make you happy. Maybe it’s sipping that first cup of coffee in the morning, a pretty flower in your garden, or having five minutes to yourself. From there just become more aware of what makes you happy, or what brings a smile to your face. Stop and take notice anytime that happens, and keep adding to your list of things that make you happy. It will be a great resource to have throughout this challenge. As an added bonus it will make you grateful and content, just looking at this long list of people and things that bring you happiness.

What's on your list? Comment below!

1 comentario

starbucks! Understandably it’s a low key expensive habit BUT getting in my car and taking that first sip of my white mocha really brings me joy! It’s part of my morning routine I’ve grown to love! Going forward, I’ll def keep note! I love this prompt! Thank you for such an enlightening activity!


Lucky Duck!

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