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Detox Your Mind (Part 1)

In just a day, we will be entering the second half of 2020. Though this year has presented many challenges, I remain optimistic that great things can happen. To best prepare for the second half and finish off strong, let's de-clutter and detox your mind.

You've likely heard of and even participated in spring cleaning before In the same way that you rid yourself of things that don't serve you in your home, it is imperative that you flush your mind of the things that don't benefit you. Clutter in the brain results in lack of focus, stress, overwhelming fatigue, unhappiness, and even physical health issues. This clutter can also cause disruptions in your relationships with others. better your relationship with yourself and others, follow these steps:

1. Set Your Intentions

What is it that you plan to achieve in the second half? In what areas do you hope to grow? What does success look like for you in the next half? Before entering another chapter in your life, it is helpful to be specific with your goals, your wants and what is necessary to achieve those specific goals. I recommend writing your goals down and placing this note to yourself in an area that you are able to see it often. For example, I have dry erase markered (that's not a real word, but roll with me) my bathroom mirror with the things that I hope to see in the near future. When I see those goals, I also see myself among them. Having goals is nothing without having vision. See yourself in alignment with your goals!

2. Affirm That "It Is So!"

I believe that life and death are in the power of the tongue, therefore, I speak like over myself and my tribe often. For a moment, visualize yourself in a state where you have accomplished all of your goals and are presently embodying the person that you have set your intentions to be. How do you feel in this imagined state? What words come to mind? Whatever those words are, make note of them and use them to form your "I am" statement. For example, if you see yourself becoming more health conscious, maybe the first words that come to mind are "strong" or "fit". Your statement would be "I am strong" or "I am fit". Visualize yourself as the person behind that "I am" statement.

3. Meditate

I know. I encourage meditation every week, but it is so beneficial to those that practice regularly. I mean, think about it like this...your mind, on average, has about 50,000 thoughts each day. That means your mind is prone to distractions almost every second of the day. Because of this, priorities and missions may be lost to regular brain activities. Meditation helps individuals to focus the mind by becoming aware and maintaining concentration of the things that are most important.

4. Silence Your Schedule

Most of us live extremely busy lives. You probably have a million things on your calendar, and the last thing you're thinking about scheduling is time for rest. I tell my friends all of the time that rest is equally as important as work and sometimes the most productive thing that you can do for yourself is to, you guessed it, REST! This week, write it down. Schedule time on your calendar solely for rest and focus on that alone. Remove distractions. Detach from electronic devices. Limit access to social media, texts, emails, phone calls, etc. Even if it is only for an hour, please schedule some time for silence. With that being said...

5. Say NO!

That's it! "No." I understand that this is difficult for many as we don't want to hurt or disappoint others, but this is how you begin to "show up" for YOU. At this point, you have detached from the things that may act as distractions through meditation. You are no longer at the mercy of others and notifications because you've turned off your phone or at least limited yourself to technological distractions. You are taking charge of your life through affirmations and goal setting! I am so incredibly proud of you! Continue to regain control by opening yourself up to the things that you choose and closing yourself off to things that may be overwhelming or stressful to you. You are not wrong for making yourself a priority and taking back your power by saying "no".

Part two coming next week!




Present, Focused. Calm.

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